What We Do

The Home & School Association (HSA) is a volunteer organization that relies upon the help of parents/guardians. It is an active group that meets regularly to discuss items of concern to the greater school community. The HSA also works collaboratively with the school staff to provide enriching experiences for all.


Below is a list of events we hope to accomplish this year and also standing roles to help you better understand what we do:


2022 - 2023 HSA Plans




Parent's Tailgate - to bring together parents/caregivers to connect and learn from each other.


Coffee and Connect - monthly Zoom calls for an intimate but safe way for parents/caregivers to connect.


Harriton Hospitality - connecting new families to the district with a “buddy.”


Teacher Appreciation Dinner - volunteers coming together in the HHS teaching kitchen to cook dinner for teachers.


Maintenance Staff Appreciation Lunch, Bus Driver Gifts, First day of school coffee and donuts, Welcome Back lawn signs - all of these are done to show our appreciation and respect of all LMSD employees.


Eat Some, Give Some Cookie Baking Event - a baking event for students followed up with donating the cookies to homeless shelters.


Standing HSA Roles:


Newsletter Editor - producing a weekly newsletter, Ramblings, to keep families up to date on all important school and district happenings.


Directory Maintenance - maintain the HSA website and manage the import of directory data.


Career Symposium - supporting HHS staff in executing a career fair to benefit students.


ISC Art Show - supporting artists in displaying their creations.


American Education Week - support HHS in showing off its' attributes.


School Board Liaison - attends LMSD board meetings and supports HHS interests.


ISC Liaison - attends interschool council meetings and supports HHS interests.


Counseling Liaison - attends meetings with the HHS counseling department and advocates broadly for student needs.


Committee for Special Education - a parent liaison with a special needs child (IEP/GIEP) supporting other parents entering the system.


Grade Representatives - work alongside grade teacher rep to design events to make money for prom, dances and grade-level activities.


Spirit Wear Representative - develop and sell spirit wear to promote HHS pride.


For questions, comments or concerns please contact the HSA board at harritonHSA@gmail.com.